7 Obiceiuri Distrugatoare ale Oamenilor Incompetenti
de Michael Lee
AVERTIZARE! Daca doriti sa aveti parte de o viata fantastica, sa nu va legati niciodata de aceste 7 obiceiuri rele asa cum fac oamenii incompetenti.
Numarul 1 - Gandesc, spun si fac lucruri negative.
Ei vad probleme in orice oportunitate.
Se plang ca soarele este prea puternic. Blestema ploaia, ca le distruge planurile zilei. Critica vantul ca le strica coafura/frizura.
Ei cred ca toata lumea este impotriva lor. Intotdeauna observa problemele, dar nu si rezolvarea lor.
Din orice problema minora fac o mare tragedie. Privesc esecurile ca pe niste catastrofe .
Se descurajeaza foarte usor, in loc sa invete din greselile lor.
Se pare ca ei niciodata nu inainteaza, pentru ca intotdeauna le este teama sa nu-si piarda confortul propiu.
Numarul 2 – Actioneaza inainte sa se gandeasca.
Ei actioneaza pe baza instinctului sau al primului impuls. Daca vad ceva ce le place, cumpara fara sa se gandeasca nici macar o secunda.
Apoi se intampla sa vada ceva mai bun. Atunci regreta si blestema ca nu au fost in stare sa incheie o afacere profitabila.
Apoi cheltuiesc si iar cheltuiesc pana nu le mai ramane nimic.Nu se gandesc la viitor. Conteaza doar placerea pe moment.
Nu se gandesc la consecinte. Cei care se angajeaza in a face sex neprotejat, in criminalitate si in alte lucruri asemanatoare sunt inclusi in acest grup de oameni
Numarul 3 – Vorbesc mult mai mult decat asculta.
Ei vor sa fie in centrul atentiei. Asa ca, intotdeauna se arunca in discutii prin care sa devina niste eroi, chiar si prin a folosi minciuna.
Adesea ei nu sunt constienti ca vorbele lor nu au nicio valoare.
Cand altii ii sfatuiesc, ei nu asculta, pentru ca sunt prea mandri sa-si recunoasca greselile.
In mintea lor, ei considera ca intotdeauna sunt corecti. Resping sugestiile, pentru ca acestea i-ar face sa se simte inferiori.
Numarul 4 – Renunta foarte usor.
Oamenii de succes trateaza esecurile ca pe niste trepte spre reusita.
Incompetentii numesc acest lucru “abandonare”, atunci cand observa primul semn de esec.
La inceput, ei pot fi foarte entuziasmati sa depuna un efort. Dar, pe parcurs, isi pierd foarte repede interesul, mai ales cand intalnesc greutati.
Atunci pleaca si cauta altceva. Aceeasi poveste si aceleasi rezultate. Oamenii incompetenti nu au perseverenta de a merge inainte si de a-si indeplini visele.
Numarul 5 - Incearca sa-i traga si pe altii in jos, la nivelul lor.
Oamenii incompetenti sunt invidiosi pe cei care reusesc in viata. In loc sa se straduiasca si ei sa fie ca ceilalti, ei lanseaza zvonuri despre acestia si incearca, prin inselatorie, sa-i traga in jos.
Ei ar putea sa-i roage frumos pe acesti oameni de succes . Dar nu, sunt prea mandri sa o faca. Nu vor sa ceara sfaturi. Pe langa asta, sunt prea negativisti ca sa realizeze ceva.
Numarul 6 – Isi pierd timpul.
Ei nu stiu ce sa faca toata ziua. Sunt multumiti doar sa manance, sa bea (sa se imbete), sa se uite la televizor, sau, mai rau, sa se uite la pereti fara sa se gandeasca sa-si imbunatateasca viata
Din cand in cand, acest lucru este perfect. Dar pentru a reusi, timpul trebuie folosit eficient. Trebuie sa existe un echilibru corespunzator intre munca si distractie.
Numarul 7 – Aleg calea usoara
Daca exista doua cai de ales, oamenii incompetenti aleg drumul mai larg si cu mai putina rasplata, in locul drumului mai ingust, cu mai multa rasplata la sfarsit.
Nu vor sa aiba nicio suferinta sau dificultate. Ei vor doar o viata buna.
Ceea ce nu stiu acesti oameni este ca, in viata, culegi ceea ce semeni. Eforturile si faptele nu trec neobservate.
Daca s-ar stradui catusi de putin, le-ar fi mult mai bine.
Oamenii de succes fac acest lucru prin incercari si greseli. Ei nu renunta niciodata. Sunt dispusi sa faca tot ce este necesar pentru a realiza ceea ce isi doresc pentru vietile lor.
7 Destructive Habits of Incompetent People
By Michael Lee,
author of How to Be a Red Hot Persuasion Wizard
WARNING! If you want to have a fantastic life, never engage yourself in these 7 deadly habits that incompetent people do.
Number 1 - They Think, Say, & Do Negative Things.
Yup. They see problems in every opportunity.
They complain that the sun is too hot. They cursed the rain for ruining their plans for the day. They blame the wind for ruining their hair.
They think that everyone is against them. They see the problems but never the solutions.
Every little bit of difficulty is exaggerated to the point of tragedy. They regard failures as catastrophes. They become discouraged easily instead of learning from their mistakes.
They never seem to move forward because they're always afraid to come out of their comfort zones.
Number 2 - They Act Before They Think.
They move based on instinct or impulse. If they see something they like, they buy at once without any second thought.
Then they see something better. They regret & curse for not able to take advantage of the bargain.
Then they spend & spend again until nothing's left. They don't think about the future. What they're after is the pleasure they will experience at present.
They don't think about the consequences. Those who engage in unsafe sex, criminality, and the like are included in this group.
Number 3 - They Talk Much More Than They Listen
They want to be the star of the show. So they always engage in talks that would make them heroes, even to the point of lying.
Oftentimes they are not aware that what they're saying is not sensible anymore.
When other people advise them, they close their ears because they're too proud to admit their mistakes.
In their mind they're always correct. They reject suggestions because that will make them feel inferior.
Number 4 - They Give Up Easily
Successful people treat failures as stepping stones to success.
Incompetent ones call it quits upon recognizing the first signs of failure.
At first, they may be excited to start an endeavor. But then they lose interest fairly quickly, especially when they encounter errors.
Then they go & search for a new one. Same story & same results. Incompetent people don't have the persistence to go on and fulfill their dreams.
Number 5 - They Try to Bring Others Down To Their Level
Incompetent people envy other successful individuals. Instead of working hard to be like them, these incompetent ones spread rumors and try every dirty trick to bring them down.
They could've asked these successful ones nicely. But no, they're too proud. They don't want to ask advise. Moreover, they're too negative to accomplish anything.
Number 6 - They Waste Their Time
They don't know what to do next. They may just be contented on eating, getting drunk, watching TV, or worse, staring at the blank wall with no thoughts whatsoever to improve their lives.
It's perfectly fine to enjoy once in a while. But time should be managed efficiently in order to succeed. There should be a proper balance between work & pleasure.
Number 7 - They Take the Easy Way Out
If there are two roads to choose from, incompetent people would choose the wider road with less rewards than the narrower road with much better rewards at the end.
They don't want any suffering or hardship. They want a good life.
What these people don't know is that what you reap is what you sow. Efforts & action will not go unnoticed.
If only they would be willing to sacrifice a little, they would be much better off.
Successful people made it through trials & error. They never give up. They are willing to do everything necessary to achieve what they aspire for in life.